The Matinales Capitales

The Matinales Capitales were born in Paris in 2014 as an extension of the Rencontres Capitales to allow for a direct and more intimate exchange between an audience of 200 guests and one or two memorable speakers. Taking the form of breakfast debates, the Matinales Capitales are organized in one of the most prestigious places in Paris that favours the life of ideas, the Théâtre du Rond Point.

These breakfasts are now preparing the 2020 Rencontres Capitales and are held at the Institut de France in the big Chamber and in the Salon des Conversations. The last guest was Patrick Pouyanné, President of TOTAL.

Relive these sessions with our video

Louis GALLOIS : What economic future for France?

Marcel GAUCHET : Freedom of speech: How far can we go with it?

Plantu : Freedom of speech: How far can we go with it?

Patrick POUYANNÉ - PDG du groupe TOTAL

Photos Gallery

Ils ont participé aux Matinales Capitales

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